The IVF 4 Everyone provider program allows IVF practices to promote their current IVF pricing specials to patients who are poised to make an IVF purchase. Sign up using the form on the right.
IVF practices can begin referring patients to the IVF 4 Everyone program immediately, and do not have need to register as a provider to do so. The practices that utilize IVF 4 Everyone as their primary IVF financing option can expect to see these positive results:
Stop losing patients that can’t afford to pay for IVF or can’t get a loan due to poor credit.
Often, patients discontinue treatment at an IVF practice because their poor credit or lack of funds prevent them from continuing with IVF treatment. Even patients with low funds and poor credit who go through the IVF 4 Everyone program dramatically increase their likelihood of purchasing an IVF package because they are provided with a step-by-step guide for finding creative and affordable financing opportunities.
Stop paying high fees in order to offer medical financing to patients.
Many medical financing companies charge IVF practices a participation fee of 3%, 5%, or even more than 10% of the financed amount. These financing fees can cost IVF practices thousands of dollars. The financing options provided through the IVF 4 Everyone program are absolutely free for both patients and IVF practices to use.
Increase the number of IVF patients who pay with cash.
The financing options provided through the IVF 4 Everyone program deposit the money patients need to pay for IVF directly into their bank accounts, allowing them to withdraw it and pay the IVF practice in cash for their IVF cycle.
Increase the number of infertility patients that convert into IVF patients.
Patients who are recommended In Vitro Fertilization often opt for Intrauterine Insemination because IUI is a more affordable treatment option for them, despite the lower chance of success IUI offers. The step-by-step guide for finding creative and affordable financing opportunities offered in the IVF 4 Everyone program makes it easy for patients to choose the more effective, but more expensive, IVF treatment option.
Decrease the time it takes a patient to save for an IVF cycle.
Patients often choose to postpone IVF while they save up the money to pay for it. But with each month that passes, both a patient’s chance for success and the likelihood of the patient proceeding with IVF at the same IVF practice decrease. In many cases, patients who proceed through the IVF 4 Everyone program will have the cash they need for IVF in their bank accounts in only a matter of weeks.
Increase the purchase rate of multi-Cycle packages.
Most patients would prefer to invest in multi-cycle IVF packages, thereby increasing their overall chance of success, but simply can’t afford to do so. The step-by-step guide for finding creative and affordable financing opportunities offered in the IVF 4 Everyone program make it easier for patients to afford to upgrade their purchase from a single cycle package to a multi-cycle package.
Increase the retention rate of IVF patients.
Many patients who fail an IVF cycle will consider changing IVF practices. Patients who purchase multi-cycle IVF packages are much less likely to consider taking their business elsewhere until they have exhausted their purchased cycles. The step-by-step guide for finding creative and affordable financing opportunities offered in the IVF 4 Everyone program makes it easier for patients to afford a multi-cycle package, and increase the likelihood for the IVF practice to retain that patient.
Increase your practice’s per patient IVF success rates.
Patients who go through the IVF 4 Everyone program are more likely to optimize their chance for IVF success with your practice because they are better equipped to afford higher treatment costs, including multi-cycle packages and fees for potentially optional, but recommended, treatments such as ICSI, Assisted Hatching, TESE, donor egg, donor sperm, surrogacy, cryopreservation, and genetic screening.
Provide patients a financing option they can use to pay for both their IVF cycle and ancillary costs.
Unlike traditional financing options which won’t pay for ancillary expenses such as IVF medications and third party fees, the financing options provided through the IVF 4 Everyone program deposit the money patients need directly into bank accounts. The patients are then able to use the money for any ancillary IVF costs they may have.